University of Sheffield are carrying out a study aiming to improve the experiences of patients with incurable head and neck cancer by finding out the most pressing issues for them and developing solutions to improve these.
We are currently looking for healthcare professionals to participate in an online focus group lasting up to 90 minutes. Each focus group will include approximately 5 healthcare professionals.
Have you been involved in the care of people with incurable head and neck cancer in the last 12 months?
Do you work in the North of England (Northwest/ Northeast/ Yorkshire)?
Would you be willing to take part in an online focus group to help improve the experiences of patients with incurable head and neck cancer?
If the answer to these questions is yes, please read the Participant Information Sheet also attached with this email for more information.
Potential dates and times for the focus groups include:
Monday 22nd April (5.30pm – 7pm)
Tuesday 23rd April (11.30am – 1pm)
Tuesday 30th April (8.30am – 10am)
However, if none of these are suitable, alternative dates will be arranged.
If you’re interested in taking part, please contact Dr Catriona Mayland on 0114 215 9021 or by email at indicating if any of the above dates are suitable (or preferences regarding days / times of day that would be most suitable).
Yours sincerely,
Dr Catriona Mayland MBChB, MD, FRCSP
Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University of Sheffield
Professor Jo Patterson BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD, FRCSLT
Professor of Speech and Language Therapy and Associate Head of Research at the School of Health Sciences, University of Liverpool
Sarah Williams
Academic Support Assistant & Yorkshire Cancer Research CONNECTS Administrator
Division of Clinical Medicine
School of Medicine and Population Health
University of Sheffield, Medical School, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, S10 2RX
Tel: +44 (0)114 215 9021