The UK TRACHES Launch Event: Transforming Tracheostomy Care

In preparation for the UK-wide launch of TRACHES, a digital toolkit designed to support patients and healthcare professionals in delivering safe, high-quality tracheostomy care, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in sharing the event booking link with  members and colleagues.

This event, hosted by the National Tracheostomy Safety Project, is aimed at anyone involved in the care of patients with tracheostomies. It offers a unique opportunity for our multidisciplinary teams to come together, discuss key aspects of tracheostomy management in hospitals and in the communities, and explore ways to improve patient outcomes across the UK.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Laura from ICST, who helped develop the toolkit and is organising this event.


Please note this is a separate event to the consensus meeting being held to discuss the principles of care document for adults living in the community with a tracheostomy.